Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Busy Bee

I've been a busy bee at work and haven't had a chance to update my bloggity blog from the weekend.  I will stop now with the abundant alliteration.  Ha, not really cause I just did it again.  Ok, really this time.  Daylight savings has me all jacked up.  Can you tell?  I feel a little crazy.  Any who, we had a fun weekend taking advantage of the beautiful weather while it lasted.

There was a girls night on Friday at Drake's, which was a really good time.  Perhaps too good judging from the incessant pounding in my head the next day.

Saturday we hit up the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown with Whitney, Colleen and the kiddos.  Sam liked watching the floats... oh wait, there weren't any floats.  We do parades big time in Lexington... motor scooters and Corvettes!  After that we headed to Sam's hotdog stand for some milkshakes.  Outside.  You hear that?  It was warm enough to sit outside drinking milkshakes!

Jon met up with us after work and we were going to mosey around downtown for a while.  But then someone left her car on so we had to hike up the hill to give her a jump.  Who leaves their car on?  I'm so confused.  We decided to head on our merry way since we are just that lazy that we didn't want to have to hike up the hill again.  Instead we headed to Jacobson Park to let Dudley run around the dog park and Sam play on the playground.

 It was packed so we didn't stay too long.  Basically, I was sick of feeling like a crazy paranoid person chasing my child all over the playground for fear that I would lose sight of him and someone would snatch him up.  My name is Emily and I have a ridiculous amount of fears.

Sunday we had family birthdays at Jon's dad's house.  Let's just skip over the fact that I happen to be getting a year older in a couple weeks, agreed?  It was another gorgeous day so we spent most of the time out front playing with the kids. Sam and his cousin Phearson were adorable playing football while mother hen, Brayden, refereed.

I hate to be that mom, but I have to say my child is amazingly good at sports for his age.  The only reason I say amazingly is because myself and my husband?  Hahaha.  Not so athletic.  I lasted one day on the softball team in high school.  Come on, the ball hurt my hand when I had to catch it!  And Jon, well his step-mom told me she would check her watch when he was running bases in baseball.

But Sam really seems to have a natural talent for anything sports-related.  While this makes me happy, it also makes me wonder how many hours of my life are going to be spent at sporting events in the future.

Let's just hope he's good enough to make it worth it so Mommy and Daddy can retire early.  

1 comment:

  1. *I* did not leave my car on. Michael did. However, like I said, it's kind of easy to do since you don't have to have a key to start my car!
